AGCP Gold Memberships Include but are not limited to:
• Over 300 Hours of seminar videos from past RT conventions
• Private member forums
• Discounted Registration for Dana Conference
• Discounts on some products
• Hundreds or Technical Documents
• Annual Dues – Save up to $77 annually
• Quarterly or Monthly Dues on an annual contract.
Most AGCP members will tell you they got their money’s worth in the first month they were members and the rest of the year is a bonus. If you want first hand information why they are members go to our member directory and find a Master or a Level 10 Certified member and give them a call and ask them. We are not right for everyone and everyone is not right for us. Read the Mastermind Principle first. If that is what kind of person you are this is the place to be. We are not a scientific organization, we are a people organization. We seek success, not science. We teach and learn practical ways to be successful and be the best at our craft. Although one of our members is actually a rocket scientist that is not all there is to clubfitting or club making. You have to know people and you have to know a good bit about the golf swing too. We also discuss business, marketing, advertising and pricing for profit. If that sounds good scroll down to Join the AGCP and apply for a membership.
The AGCP has some of the very best custom clubfitters (club fitters) in the world. Our club makers produce only the best custom golf clubs from the highest quality custom components. Our boutique brands are some of t he best club designs in the world, bar none. If you need a custom driver, a set of custom irons, custom fairways, hybrids, or wedges our AGCP certified custom club fitters and clubmakers can satisfy your needs.
If you love golf clubs and you want to be a club maker, custom clubfitter and you want the best training in the world join our organization. Our member only email list is operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year to answer your questions and help you learn. Our RT Convention is going on 15 years old now and each fall we gather in Columbus, Georgia for 3 or 4 days and spend all of our waking hours in class or in the conference room of the hotel discussing custom fitting, custom building and all aspects of operating a business. You get to meet some of the best in the world and have them as mentors all year long by simply picking up the phone or sending an email, or test message.
Although it was not mentioned as one of our “member benefits” to choose from one of our Canadian members offer the following and many other members mentioned it also:

Comradery – Roy, I know it’s not listed on your choices, but this rates very highly for me – I’ve had numerous “marathon” telephone calls and private emails with many members over the years that have proven to be very beneficial for the learning curve, and also the friendship factor
Recently AGCP members were polled and asked to tell us what they found to be most valuable to them as a member.
Number 1 on nearly every AGCP member’s list of benefits is…
#1 Benefit – AGCP Members only Email List – The Members Only Email List is without doubt the most valuable asset in your AGCP membership with its passive learning function. Many of our members tell us they learn more from other member questions and comments than from the questions they ask themselves. Many members tell us they do not participate but reading their email is the first thing they do each morning when they get to their computer. We do strongly recommend that all members get a separate email address for your subscription as there are routinely 50 or more emails per day. We recommend a Gmail account at because the Gmail has an unlimited mailbox capacity and you can save and organize all of your emails at Google because we have the email list subscribed to Google and all emails are archived there so you can go there and search for any topic the AGCP has talked about in the past. Other groups have online Forums as we do but nothing compares to our Email list for information and education. Our motto is “There are no dumb questions” the only dumb questions are the ones that are not asked. We all realize that no one knew everything to begin with and we all continue to learn everyday of our lives about new techniques and ways of doing things so no question from beginner to Master is off limits as long as it is about club making, clubfitting, or how to run our business.
Clubmaker and Clubfitter Convention – “The RT” (Member Discounts on AGCP RT Registrations) – First chance at AGCP Roundtable Registration specials that are available ONLY to AGCP Members. Be the first to register for the Roundtable and receive $100 off of the normal Public registration price. The Roundtable Convention and Educational Seminar has become the number one conference for the professional custom club fitter to learn, share, and experience things within the industry. Come spend the week in Columbus, GA with many top professionals from the leading component companies in the world. We offer early registration to members months before we open registration to the Public.
Bonus Benefits – During the AGCP RT convention we reserve the conference room at the hotel where members stay or the HQ Hotel and every evening after dinner members meet there and carry on the communications and conversations. Everyone gets to meet other members in a casual setting and get to know the Masters and other teachers and build personal relationships. These personal relationships allow member to contact their new friends 24/7/365 by email and by phone to help solve problems or simply to answer questions about techniques or processes used by AGCP members. This becomes an invaluable resource for years to come and can greatlly enhance your business.
AGCP Members section of this web site – The Members Only section is different from other benefits in the fact that it houses many downloadable documents that are very important to the AGCP Membership. Varying from spreadsheets, word documents, PDFs charts, and much more, the AGCP Sponsor’s contact information and price lists are also located on the AGCP Members Only website and are only accessible to current AGCP Members. You will also be able to find fitting tips and tricks that are not located anywhere else. We continue to add to this site on an on-going basis and it continues to become more valuable as time goes by.
AGCP Members only downloads – In need of a spreadsheet or template for a newsletter, the AGCP Downloads area on the AGCP Members only website has what you are looking for. Templates for brochures, spreadsheet calculators, and much more can all be found in the Members only downloads. Marketing and Advertising ideas, building and fitting methods and much, much more.
AGCP Certification Testing – The AGCP Certification is a tiered 10 Level measuring stick to Qualify your abilities as a clubfitter and clubmaker, and to certify the completeness of your shop and equipment. This extensive essay test and survey of your shop facilities is a test of the practical application of your knowledge and ability. The answers to the questions can’t be found written verbatim in any book. To do well you have to know the information, and have used the information in a practical application to answer the questions. This is not an open book multiple guess test, it requires you to put your knowledge into words in a way that illustrates you know how to apply what you have read and experienced during your career. There are no tricks, if you know the material and you know what you are doing you will have no problems answering the questions. The truest test on the market today places those who become AGCP Qualified and Certified above the rest. One of the many reasons the AGCP is the world leader in excellence in clubfitting.
AGCP Member Directory Locator Listing Map – With so many consumers looking online to fulfill their needs or research products and services, the AGCP provides an all in one spot for the golfer anywhere in the world to find an AGCP member, but particularly in your area to find your shop and services. The AGCP Directory serves the golf community by listing your Certified Qualification Level for your potential customers to see. Your contact information including address, phone, email, web site and other qualifications and certifications you have in your profile will help promote you and your business. For Gold level or equivalent members only.
AGCP Members only Google Group Archives – With a searchable library, the Google Groups is very valuable resource for the AGCP and its members. This vast library of information has all that you will need for club fitting, club making, and business discussions involved in the industry. The history of AGCP emails is archived at our Google Group site. You will be subscribed there and can search there any time you wish. It is part of the email list.
Product Sourcing – The ability to find products because of the vast resources of the combined AGCP members combined knowledge is a treasure in itself. Being able to ask and find the right tool, the right App, or the right souce for either is invaluable to all members.
Access to special clubmaking of fitting equipment – There are a number of specially modified pieces of equipment manufactured for and by the AGCP that members can purchase to help the create better fitting and better equipment. Most are only available to members on the AGCP website.
Access to purchase Industry Specific Book at discounted Rates – Tom Wishon’s books and others are on the website at very special prices for most.
AGCP YouTube Account – The AGCP uploads many, many videos to our YouTube account “accpclubfitter” including fitting information, testimonials, instructions, swing tips, fitting tips, etc.
AGCP Social Media – The AGCP maintains a Facebook account, a LinkedIn account, and a Twitter account in addition to the YouTube account. As time permits we continue to expand our online presence and our Social media presence. We have 2 Facebook pages, one private for membes and one open to the Public. Please find our accounts and participate online, they are there to help you promote your business.
Discounts from AGCP Sponsors – Be sure and check with our AGCP sponsors for their special discounts to AGCP members. Some offer deeper discounts than for any other group and for the general public. Please note that although the AGCP is an international organization with members around the world the benefits are not always universal from country to country. Sponsors in one country have to use distributors in other countries and the distributor will determine what, if any, discounts will be applicable in their country. We have no control over this, it is a business alignment made by each sponsor. Some sponsors restrict discounts to only our Certified members but others do not. Check with our sponsors for their policy.
Discounts on AGCP Products – With products like AGCP Roundtable DVDs, the Best of Master’s Series DVDs, AGCP Logo Shirts, AGCP Logo Hats, BMT Software, and much more, you will have a reduced price on all products in the AGCP Shop.
Group Purchasing discounts – From time to time products become available that are purchased at a savings when purchased in quantity. When this situation presents itself and enough AGCP members have a need for the product the AGCP will order the product in sufficient quantities to all each member to receive the quantity discount and ship the product to the members. Member will pay in advance and pay all shipping costs to the AGCP and to them and enough profit for the AGCP to pay for various fees and costs for financing and re-shipping.
AGCP Bulletin Board Forum – The AGCP Public Forum on this site allow discussions with the public, with sponsors and anyone who subscribes to the site, and it’s free to subscribe..
AGCP Mentoring Program – Any member from Bronze to Silver to Gold can contact a fellow member in our Mentoring Program and be mentored by that member if the member chosen agrees. Not available to Free Web Members, you must be a paying AGCP member at some level.
It’s all about the Mastermind Principle and willingness of members to help other members when asked.