For about the cost of 2 Big Mac Meals a month you can join the best little clubfitters and clubmakers organization in the world. Benefit from advice from our Masters of Golf Club technology and certified members any time day or night, begin learning to become certified as one of the best in the world. Be a better clubmaker and clubfitter and become the Go To guy in your community. Become a qualified & certified AGCP member.

Why Join? Play the audio below
To Join the AGCP please select your membership below and complete the application.
Members must be logged in to see member only content & Courses.
NOTE: Only Gold Level members have access to our Member Only
sections, Member Only 24 hour email list, and all Courses are Free.
Gold Level – Quarterly
- Paid Quarterly
- Enrollment into Certification Program
- Access to Google Groups email
- Complete Access to Member Only Pages
- Listing on AGCP Locator Page
- Access to AGCP Web Forum
- Discount Pricing for RT Convention
- Discount Pricing on AGCP merchadise
- Discount from All Participating AGCP Sponsors
Gold Level – Monthly
- Paid Monthly
- Enrollment into Certification Program
- Access to Google Groups email
- Complete Access to Member Only Pages
- Listing on AGCP Locator Page
- Access to AGCP Web Forum
- Discount Pricing for RT Convention
- Discount Pricing on AGCP merchadise
- Discount from All Participating AGCP Sponsors
Premium Gold Level – Annual
- Paid Annually
- Enrollment into Certification Program after 1 year
- The AGCP Member’s most valuable asset. Our 24/7/365 Member Only email list. With Access to email archives with thousands of emails dating from 2008
- Access to hundreds of hours of videos of Conference classes by industry leaders and some of the world’s best clubfitters & clubmakers
- Complete Access to Member Only Pages
- Listing on AGCP Locator Page
- Access to AGCP Web Forum
- Discount Pricing for RT Convention
- Discount from All Participating AGCP Sponsors
Special Introductory Trial Memberships – 1 Year
- Complete Access to Member Only Pages
- Listing on AGCP Locator Page
- Keep up to date on latest technology
- Access to AGCP Web Forum
- All Courses are Free to Gold Members
AGCP Supporting Patron
- Paid Annually
- Donate to AGCP Organization to promote Professional Custom Clubfitting & Clubmaking
- Access to Web Forum to promote your products and answer question from the Public about your products
- Opportunity to give Short Presentation at annual convention. Live or Virtual
- Anyone who wants to help support the AGCP and Custom Club Fitting & Club making
- Patrons can submit press releases for AGCP to use on the Golf Wire to announce you as a Patron. Reaches over 120,000
- Patrons can appear on a Podcast on our YouTube Channel to promote your products and discuss custom clubfitting.
- Paid Annually
- For Retired AGCP Members
- Access to most Member Only Pages
- Access to Member only Email list
- Keep up to date on latest technology
- Keep in touch with long time friends and the community
Welcome to the best little Clubmaker & Clubfitter Organization in the World! Home of some of the greatest, where we discuss clubmaking and clubfitting every day with members around the world.
If you want to know more about clubmaking or clubfitting this is the place for you. Founded by Roy Nix, Dana Upshaw, Jerry Hoefling, Bob Uebelhor, Keith Chatham for the purpose of sharing information and we continue to do that today. We have daily conversations about everything under the sun and our motto is “There are no dumb questions”, meaning anyone on any level can ask any question. From the most basic for our beginners to the most technical for the Masters and experienced members. No question is too big or too small for us to discuss. We all started knowing nothing.
The purpose of the AGCP is to continue to educate clubmakers and clubfitters. We educate all members on a day-to-day basis through our 24/7/365 email list and our annual convention. Through our email list our members share information among themselves and we all learn together. No topic or question is too large or too small if it is about clubfitting or club making. Our motto is “there are no dumb questions”. It is important for every member to share your knowledge with other members? Pay it forward or pay it back so that all members benefit.
- The Gold Level Memberships are the only memberships that allow you to be certified and to be subscribed to our Member Only Email List. The email list will be your most valuable benefit to being an AGCP member. We discuss on a daily basis all the various fitting and building techniques and systems used by our members. From Masters to beginners, everyone participates. If you are a beginner you can ask anything and our teachers will answer you. It is both pro active and passive learning system unique to education. You also get hundreds of hours of video from previous conventions where the leaders in our industry conduct classes and seminars. Only as a Gold Level member. Plus you get a $100 discount on our annual convention registration fee.
- To understand the AGCP it is necessary for all members to understand the AGCP Mastermind Principles as outlined on the web site. See Mastermind-Principle
- Before you join please read about the Mastermind Principles and consider how they will help you as a member.
- Please be aware that all memberships are for 1 year. We offer several subscriptions to allow payments but memberships are for one year. We do not have month to month or quarter to quarter memberships that can be cancelled. The payments are to help you afford membership only and are non cancelable until the end of the year.
- Before you start posting to our email list please read our Netiquette page at: Netiquette
- If you are a vendor and sell products to clubmaker and clubfitters we invite you to support us and help us continue to create the greatest clubmakers and clubfitters in the world. Please see AGCP Supporter below to get involved. We only allow clubmakers and clubfitters as members to our email list forum.
- We accept Apple Pay & Google Pay along with credit and debit cards and American Express plus more.