What does it take to become a Master of Golf Club Technology?
Where some organizations teach how to build golf clubs and or fit golf clubs, and some organizations teach how to swing golf clubs and or fit golf clubs, the AGCP is the only organization that emphasizes both aspects of the golf game, the golf club and the golf swing to fit golf clubs. The AGCP requires training in both areas to insure our members understand not only how the golf club works and how the golf swing works, but to understand how they work together. This is the ultimate in fitting and equipment when you are fit for and built a golf club or set of golf clubs that are perfectly adapted to you and your golf swing. The length of your shaft, the shaft flex profile, the total weight of your club, the balance point of your club (swing weight or MOI), the head design of your club, the loft and lie of your golf club are all fitted to you and you only based on your ability and you personal swing characteristics after extensive testing with state of the art equipment. Swing Analyzers, Launch Monitors, Video and slow motion cameras are all used by various Masters to analyze your golf swing before deciding on the make up of your equipment.
AGCP Masters of Golf Club Technology are not only those who have the most experience, most training and the fully equipped shops but they are also those who give back to other clubmakers the most. Masters are the AGCP members who often at their own personal expense travel sometimes thousands of miles to offer one or more 2 hour presentations to AGCP members at the annual AGCP Roundtable Convention and Expo in Columbus, Georgia.
The AGCP Masters are the members that other members call or e-mail to ask questions to solve the challenges in their shop. The Masters are the teachers of future generations of custom club fitters and club builders and those who strive to help build the AGCP and make it the best organization of it’s kind in the World. The Masters are not only those who achieve the most but those who give back the most. They earn the honor of being called a Master.
To gain the unique distinction of becoming a Master of Golf Club Technology the AGCP member must have achieved the following:
- Masters must have experience as a Professional Club Technician, Fitter & Builder, Full-Time (5 Years) , Part-Time (10 Years)
- At the time of nomination the nominee must have a local business license
- Masters must achieve AGCP Level 10 at least 12 months prior to nomination
- Masters must have attended at least 2 Roundtable Education Conventions
- Masters must have made at least one Presentation at a Roundtable or be scheduled for one in the upcoming event.
- Masters must be nominated by 3 or more Current AGCP Masters
- Masters must have knowledge and training in golf swing mechanics and know now the golf swing and golf club work together.
In addition the Master of Golf Club Technology of the future must have completed a series of special Certification Classes in the different areas of clubfitting and club building to show that he is not only generally qualified but qualified in every area of clubfitting and club building. Such areas as Length Fitting, Trajectory Fitting, Shaft Profile Fitting for both Woods and Irons, Wedge Fitting, Grinding heads for special playing conditions, and many, many areas too numerous to list. Each AGCP Master of Golf Club Technology is truly a “MASTER”!