André Thaon d’Arnoldi 

Golf n Swing
16 Avenue General Leclerc
78230 LE PECQ (France)

Phone:      33 139 161 860    
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AGCP Master of Golf Club Technology

Maltby School Academy Clubmaking and Repair
Maltby School Academy Clubfitting and Playability
Science and Motion Sam Put Instructor Level 3
Optimal Flight certified 

True Length Technology certified
Tom Wishon MOI certified
Perfect balance certified

André Thaon d’Arnoldi, born in February 1944, in France, started his clubfitting / clubmaking activity in April 2006. Before that he was the owner of a Nevada Bob’s Golf franchisee store, nearby Versailles (France) since year 2000. He then became every year more and more pissed-off with the big golf clubs brands marketing promising always longer, straighter and more consistent shots, from their golf clubs, whereas he observed that his customers though spending very big money for those magic sticks, did not improve their game.

He then trained as a clubfitter / clubmaker at the Maltby School the UK, and then visited Tom Wishon in Durango in March 2006.

Flying back from Durango to France, and highly impressed by what he learned from Tom Wishon and, also by is honesty, he decided to close down his store and to open nearby a professional clubfitting/clubmaking workshop where Tom Wishon, with whom he frequently communicates, as well as Christian Marquart, the Sam Putting Lab inventor, visited him to help him complete his knowledge.

In 2006 he joined the PCS. When PCS disbanded, he then joined the AGCP, and a few years after was certified level 10. Andre Thaon d’Arnoldi is also certified Sam Putting Lab Instructor level 3, Optimal Flight, True Length Technology and Wishon MOI. He likes remembering he also is a former major of the French military artillery school, from which he got his passion for ballistics.

Since he joined the AGCP, Andre Thaon d’Arnoldi, in spite of the very long and costly trip from Paris, attended 9 Round Tables in Columbus GA, as he says it is thanks to those meetings and exchanges with his peers that his knowledge in professional clubfitting/clubmaking can stay at the highest level. He also made 3 presentations to the members.

Andre is, by far, the most renown  clubfitter/clubmaker professional in France. Andre pioneered a concept for club building he called Perfect Balance, through which an iron set can be built both MOI constant and Swing weight constant. This process is patented in Europe.

At the  2019 Round Table he was honored with the AGCP Master certification.

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